My Cheek Is Swollen: What’s Causing It and Do I Need to See a Dentist By Dr. Scott Parr on August 29, 2024

A woman holding her cheek in pain

A swollen cheek can be very concerning, especially if it isn’t clear what’s causing it. At the Smile Center, Dr. Scott Parr and Dr. Tara Frey provide oral exams to identify and treat oral health problems that might be causing facial swelling.

If your cheek is swollen, you may wonder what’s causing it and if you need to see a dentist. Our Virginia Beach, VA, dentists recommend seeking dental care and can help you if you are experiencing facial swelling. To learn more about our treatment options, we welcome you to visit our home page.

What Causes Cheek Swelling?

Facial swelling can occur for many reasons. Usually swelling is an indication of an injury or infection, but it can also be caused by other conditions, like allergic reactions.

When only one cheek is swollen, it usually means there’s an issue on the side where swelling is occurring. Other times, swelling may occur on both sides of the face. Some causes of facial swelling include:

  • Facial injury: Getting hit or suffering an injury to one or both cheeks can cause them to swell.
  • Salivary gland infection: There are salivary glands in the cheeks that can become infected. If one or both become infected, they can cause the cheeks to swell.
  • Sinus infection: A sinus infection, also called sinusitis, can develop after a cold or the flu. While sinus infections usually clear up on their own, they can cause swollen cheeks, headache, toothache, or congested nose.
  • Angioedema: Angioedema is a skin reaction caused by certain foods, medications, or allergens, like pollen that can cause the face to swell.
  • Tooth abscess: A tooth abscess is an infection that can form when a root canal infection (an infection of the tissues within the tooth) is left untreated. As a root canal infection grows, it can spread around the tooth’s roots and form an abscess, which is a pocket of pus. Abscesses are painful and can lead to cheek swelling, pain, or even fever.

You Should Seek Medical Attention for a Swollen Cheek

Because a swollen cheek can be an indication of infection, injury, skin reaction, or other issue that may need treatment, it’s important to be evaluated by a doctor or a dentist.

Infections, like a tooth abscess, that aren’t treated can spread and cause serious health problems. Seeking medical care for facial swelling is important to overall health.

A dentist can examine the teeth and gums to determine whether an oral health problem is causing swelling and provide treatment to resolve the issue.

Dental Treatment Options to Alleviate Facial Swelling

When cheek swelling is caused by a tooth abscess or other dental problem, treating the underlying problem can help alleviate swelling and improve oral health. Some dental treatments that may help our Virginia Beach patients include:

  • Antibiotics: Tooth abscesses are caused by bacterial infections that form around the tooth’s root. Antibiotics can help clear infections or be combined with other treatments to restore oral health.
  • Root canal therapy: Root canal therapy is used to remove infected tissues from within the tooth and are often necessary when an abscess or root canal infection has formed.
  • Tooth extraction: In situations where a tooth is too damaged from a root canal infection or abscess, it may need to be removed to restore oral health.

Schedule a Consultation at the Smile Center

If you’re experiencing cheek swelling and dental pain, it’s important to see a dentist to determine the cause and appropriate treatment for your condition. Schedule a consultation at the Smile Center in Virginia Beach to learn more about your treatment options.

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The Smile Center

The Smile Center

The Smile Center in Virginia Beach has been providing high-quality dental care since 1988. We are proud to be affiliated with:

  • American Academy of Facial Esthetics
  • The American Orthodontic Society
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

For more information about our services, contact us online or call (757) 473-8482 today.

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