What Is This Bump/Growth on My Gums? Do I Need to See a Dentist? By The Smile Center on July 18, 2024


We all know how important it is to take care of our teeth by brushing and flossing. But what about our gums? If you’ve found a growth or bump on your gums, you might be stressed and not sure what to do about it. At The Smile Center in Virginia Beach, VA, this is a concern we see surprisingly often. We can get you in quickly to diagnose the issue and then discuss all of the treatment options available to you. Until you schedule a consultation, let’s look at some common causes and cures.

Canker Sores

Canker sores are very common, very annoying, and in many cases, very painful. Canker sores are actually small ulcers that develop in the mouth. The area may be raised or flat with a white or yellow center and red border. Canker sores are usually harmless and go away on their own but if you’re experiencing severe pain or having trouble eating, reach out to our office. 


An abscess, on the other hand, needs to be taken more seriously because it’s a sign of infection. Abscesses can develop for a number of reasons. If you’re experiencing this concern, you might have a root canal infection (meaning the inner portion of a tooth contains harmful bacteria) or a tooth that can’t properly erupt from the gums, like a wisdom tooth. In addition to a bump, the gums might appear red and you could be experiencing pain and facial swelling, among other symptoms.


Cysts can be hard or soft bumps that are filled with air, fluid, or soft tissue. Sometimes they grow so slowly that you don’t even notice them until they start to cause pain, pressure, or swelling. Noticeable symptoms are often a sign that the cyst has become infected. Similar to abscesses, cysts can be a sign of a larger problem (and in turn, cause problems, like shifting and crowding teeth), so they usually require professional treatment.

Oral Cancer

In rare cases, growths on your gums can be a sign of oral cancer. If you’ve used chewing tobacco regularly, smoked, or have a family history, you’re at an increased risk of developing this type of cancer. If a bump seems suspicious and doesn’t resolve fairly quickly on its own – like canker sores do – it’s important to contact our Virginia Beach team. Diagnosed early, oral cancer patients generally have a good prognosis, but this type of cancer can also progress very rapidly so swift action is key.

Treatment for Growths and Bumps on the Gums

Fortunately, there are several effective treatments to address bumps on the gums. In the case of an infected tooth, for example, we recommend root canal therapy or extraction as a last resort. If a tooth has caused an abscess because it is having trouble erupting, it may need to be surgically removed.

At The Smile Center, we pride ourselves on our ability to treat a range of conditions. If you have an especially complex case, however, we can put you in touch with a trusted local specialist in the area.

Set Up an Appointment Today

While we hope you found this blog post helpful, the only way for our Virginia Beach team to diagnose your condition is for you to reach out to us. Message us today with any questions or to request a consultation. We look forward to meeting with you and restoring your comfort and oral health!

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The Smile Center

The Smile Center in Virginia Beach has been providing high-quality dental care since 1988. When you choose us for your care, we can match a specialist to your needs. We are proud to be affiliated with the:

  • American Academy of Facial Esthetics
  • American Orthodontic Society
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

For more information about our services, contact us online or call (757) 473-8482 today.

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