The Smile Center

Implant-Supported Denture Benefits

Jan 30, 2023 @ 01:23 PM — by Dr. Scott Parr
Tagged with: Dentures

Dentures are often the most practical solution for widespread adult tooth loss. Dentures can address the loss of multiple teeth or an entire arch of teeth. Traditional dentures have a reputation for being ill-fitting and unstable. The Smile Center in Virginia Beach, VA, offers implant-supported dentures as an alternative to traditional dentures.

Implant-supported dentures attach to surgically-implanted titanium screws that act as artificial tooth roots. Implant-supported denture benefits set them apart from traditional dentures and make them the tooth loss treatment of choice for many of our dental patients.

Unparalleled Stability

Traditional dentures are removable. They attach to the gums with suction and denture adhesive. Removable dentures are customized to promote proper fit and comfort but are still susceptible to slipping and shifting. Implant-supported dentures bond to dental implants that fuse with jawbone tissues. Implant-supported dentures are permanent restorations that do not move, even when someone is biting, chewing, or speaking. The stability provided by implant-supported denture is unparalleled when compared to any other tooth loss treatment.

Superior Comfort

Because they do not shift or slip out of place, implant-supported dentures are more comfortable than traditional dentures. Implant-supported dentures are anchored directly into the jaw and feel like natural teeth. Our Virginia Beach patients can perform oral functions with ease and comfort after treatment is complete.

Enhanced Oral Functions

Traditional dentures replace missing teeth but are not well-suited for all oral functions. For instance, with traditional dentures, patients must adhere to diet restrictions because some foods are too difficult to chew with removable dentures. Implant-supported dentures support a full range of oral functions. Implant-supported dentures are secured to the jaw, enabling people to enunciate their words, bite, and eat whatever they desire with no limitations.

Jawbone Preservation

When someone loses a tooth, it is not just the tooth’s crown that is lost, but the root system as well. Tooth roots play an essential role in stimulating the jawbone to regenerate healthy tissues. While other dental restorations, such as traditional dentures and dental bridges, restore the crown of a lost tooth, they do not replace the tooth’s root system. Because of this, individuals who suffer adult tooth loss can expect the jawbone to weaken or deteriorate over time.

Implant-supported dentures are unique because they replace the crown and roots of a lost tooth. Dental implants stimulate the jaw every time a person bites or chews. Continual stimulation encourages tissue growth and preserves the strength of the jawbone.

Ease of Care

Many denture patients complain about the hassle of cleaning traditional dentures. Traditional dentures require a cleaning procedure that involves removing and soaking the dentures overnight. The denture adhesive used to hold dentures in place can make this a messy process.

Implant-supported dentures are much easier to care for than traditional dentures. Since implant-supported dentures are secured to the jaw, they remain in place for cleaning. Our Virginia Beach patients can brush and floss implant-supported dentures like natural teeth.

Contact Our Dental Practice

If you are looking into tooth loss treatments, we encourage you to consider the benefits of implant-supported dentures. To learn more about this procedure and find out if you are an ideal candidate for treatment, send us a message online or call (757) 473-8482 and schedule an appointment at The Smile Center.