The Smile Center

Can I Smoke During Invisalign Treatment?

Apr 15, 2022 @ 11:15 AM — by The Smile Center
Tagged with: Invisalign

The Invisalign® system uses clear aligners to slowly shift crooked teeth into proper alignment. With regular daily wear, most patients can straighten their teeth in as few as six to 18 months. The Smile Center, located in Virginia Beach, VA, proudly provides Invisalign clear aligners for patients who qualify.

Although Invisalign makes eating, brushing, and flossing a breeze, there are still some limitations. Here, our team discusses how smoking during Invisalign treatment can impact your smile.

Invisalign and Smoking

Patients can smoke while undergoing Invisalign treatment, but it may have unintended consequences that can affect long-term dental health. Common drawbacks to smoking while wearing Invisalign include:

Let’s address each of these points individually below so you understand why smoking during Invisalign treatment is such a bad idea.


The tar and nicotine in cigarettes and other tobacco products can stain fingernails, teeth, and even Invisalign aligners. This means that smoking can quickly turn clear aligners yellow, leaving patients with a discolored smile.

Bad Breath

Smoking and the use of tobacco products can lead to severe bad breath. This can be exacerbated if you wear your aligners after having a smoke. Be sure to brush your teeth thoroughly after smoking to avoid severe, lingering bad breath.

Dental Damage

Smoking is a leading risk factor for cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. Invisalign can heighten these issues because the trays trap harmful substances, like tar, plaque, and bacteria, on the teeth for several hours a day. Even if your teeth get straightened, you may need additional dental work to address the damage caused by smoking.

Lengthy Treatment Timelines

Patients must wear their aligners for 20-22 hours a day to see the results they want in their desired timeline. Failure to do so can add weeks or months to their treatment timeline.

If you are smoking 10 or more cigarettes a day, that could add up to an hour or more.

If patients are removing their aligners while they smoke, then that equates to a substantial amount of neglected Invisalign wear every day. This can add up to approximately 200+ hours of neglected Invisalign wear over six months.

What Can I Do?

Patients can still smoke with Invisalign, but following these guidelines can limit the impact of smoking on their treatment plan:

We Can Help You Quit

Of course, the best way to mitigate issues while wearing Invisalign is to quit smoking entirely. Our team will gladly assist you in seeking resources to help you quit.

Schedule an Invisalign Consultation

Don’t let smoking keep you from getting the smile of your dreams. Explore your Invisalign candidacy by scheduling a consultation at The Smile Center today. Interested patients can message our team, or they can call our Virginia Beach office at (757) 473-8482.