Invisalign® for an Overbite By The Smile Center on February 09, 2021

healthy smile vs. one with an overbiteAn overbite causes the teeth and jaw to fit together unnaturally, making the upper teeth project further than the teeth of the lower jaw. An overbite can compromise oral functions and aesthetics. While many people are eager to correct an overbite, they often hesitate to wear metal braces. For these patients, the doctors at The Smile Center recommend Invisalign®.

Invisalign corrects the most common alignment issues, including an overbite, to give patients a straighter smile and a healthier bite. Individuals in the Virginia Beach, VA, area who are considering Invisalign for an overbite can learn more about the treatment process here.

Invisalign Candidates

Invisalign treatment addresses nearly all of the malocclusion problems that can be corrected with traditional braces, including:

  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Cross bites
  • Open bites
  • Gapped teeth
  • Crowded teeth

Because Invisalign has such wide applications, nearly all of our Virginia Beach patients who would be ideal candidates for traditional braces are also suitable applicants for Invisalign treatment. 

Regarding an overbite, the only significant consideration is the degree of misalignment. Invisalign can correct minor to moderate overbites, but severe cases may require traditional braces. A simple consultation with our doctors is all it takes for patients to find out if Invisalign is right for them.

The Treatment Process 

Just like traditional orthodontics, Invisalign treatment takes place over the course of several months, with the average treatment spanning about 12-18 months. During the treatment period, patients make their way through a series of smooth, clear, plastic aligners.

Invisalign aligners hold the teeth and jaw in place and apply subtle pressure that encourages necessary movement. In regards to an overbite, the aligners gradually move the upper teeth and jaw back, so that, by the end of treatment, they are more in line with the teeth of the bottom jaw.

Invisalign aligners are unique from braces, because they are completely metal free, and they are not bonded to the teeth. Aligners are removable (and can be taken out for eating, drinking, or brushing the teeth), but they need to be worn a minimum of 20-22 hours a day for treatment to be effective.

Throughout treatment patients switch to a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks. Each set of aligners fits slightly different, so the teeth continue to receive the pressure that is needed to encourage movement.

Every four to six weeks during Invisalign treatment patients attend check-ups to monitor treatment progress, and to provide them with their next several sets of aligners. If any adjustments are needed, they can be made during these appointments.

Benefits of Invisalign

Many of our Virginia Beach patients prefer Invisalign over traditional braces, because of the many benefits they provide. Some of the greatest advantages of Invisalign include:

  • Virtually invisible aligners, which provide discreet treatment
  • Convenience of removable aligners that make oral hygiene easier
  • Smooth, comfortable aligners that don’t scratch the soft tissues of the mouth
  • Minimal dental appointments/check-ups
  • Fast, effective results

Contact The Smile Center

If you are tired of living with a crooked, uneven smile, you should consider the many benefits of Invisalign. To learn more about this teeth straightening treatment, and whether it may be right for you, contact The Smile Center online, or call (757) 473-8482 to schedule an appointment.

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The Smile Center

The Smile Center in Virginia Beach has been providing high-quality dental care since 1988. When you choose us for your care, we can match a specialist to your needs. We are proud to be affiliated with the:

  • American Academy of Facial Esthetics
  • American Orthodontic Society
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

For more information about our services, contact us online or call (757) 473-8482 today.

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