The Smile Center

Porcelain Veneers for Crooked Teeth

Dec 31, 2020 @ 09:13 AM — by Dr. Scott Parr
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry Crooked Teeth

Most people have something they would like to improve about their appearance, and for many, that is their smile. There are numerous cosmetic blemishes that can compromise an otherwise healthy and great-looking smile. Crooked teeth are a particularly common concern.

Crooked teeth can be corrected with orthodontics, but that takes a lot of time. For those who are candidates, porcelain veneers offer a much faster solution for crooked teeth. Veneers are thin shells that mask imperfections, and they can be used to straighten and perfect the smile. Individuals in Virginia Beach, VA, can learn more about porcelain veneers at The Smile Center.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are one of the most versatile treatment options in cosmetic dentistry. Because of their many applications, these restorations are able to help numerous people achieve the aesthetic goals for their smile. In addition to being a suitable treatment for dental stains, discoloration, gapped teeth, chips, cracks, and fractures, porcelain veneers can also address crooked teeth.

Porcelain Veneers Candidates

It is important to understand that porcelain veneers work very differently than traditional teeth straightening methods. Porcelain veneers do not shift the teeth or correct the bite in any way. Instead, these cosmetic restorations conceal crooked teeth so that the smile appears straight and even.

Because porcelain veneers do not actually correct malocclusion problems, they are only suitable for patients who have mildly crooked teeth that do not compromise oral health or functions. We can determine if you are a good candidate for veneers during your consultation at our Virginia Beach practice.

The Treatment Process

Porcelain veneers treatment is generally completed in two dental appointments. This means that crooked teeth can be addressed in a matter of weeks instead of the many months that the average orthodontic treatment requires.

The First Session

At the first porcelain veneers treatment session, our dentists design a set of veneers that will best address each of our patient’s unique needs. We can customize porcelain veneers by their size, shape, and color.

A very thin layer of tooth enamel is removed to accommodate the final veneer.We then take impressions of the prepped teeth at this dental appointment. The impressions ensure that porcelain veneers are shaped properly so they fit securely against the teeth while maintaining the natural appearance of the smile.

The Second Session

At the second porcelain veneers treatment session, the completed restorations are bonded to the teeth. When the temporary veneers are removed and the teeth have been cleaned, a thin layer of compound is applied. The compound is hardened with the veneers in place, so that it acts like a glue to bond the veneers to the teeth.

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Porcelain veneers offer many advantages to patients at our Virginia Beach practice. One of their benefits is their durability. Even though veneers are extremely thin shell-like restorations, they are surprisingly strong and long-lasting.

If patients care for their veneers properly, they can enjoy the results of porcelain veneers treatment for upwards of 20 years.

Contact Our Dental Team

Porcelain veneers offer promising and fast results for many people with crooked teeth. If you’d like to find out if this cosmetic dentistry treatment is right for you, we invite you to meet with the dental team at The Smile Center. Contact us online at your earliest convenience, or call (757) 473-8482 to schedule an appointment.